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Gearing up for Science Communication: First Workshop for Members
Science Europe organised a workshop on Science Communication for its members, attended by over 30 participants, on 26 and 27 January in Brussels.
For the first time, members of the Working Group on Communication had the opportunity to meet in person, exchange best practices, and discuss concrete actions to reinforce the collective capacity to communicate research more effectively.
The workshop aimed to take stock of the state of the art of science communication across research funding (RFOs) and research performing organisations (RPOs), and to develop a set of specific actions for science communication across Science Europe Member Organisations, to implement the position paper on science communication published in June 2022.
A session with external experts allowed to learn about theories on science communication, approaches and trends, identifying opportunities and addressing pitfalls for RFOs and RPOs. Massimiano Bucchi, Professor of Sociology of Science and Communication, Science and Technology (University of Trento in Italy) addressed the dynamic of trust in science and the relation with the public. David Budtz Pedersen, Professor of Science Communication and Impact Studies (Aalborg University in Denmark) explored challenges and opportunities specifically looking at research funders and performers. Anthony Lockett, Head of Communication (European Research Council Executive Agency) provided concrete examples of science communication activities from the ERC.
The workshop included a spotlight on Science Europe Member Organisations, who presented successful initiatives on science communication. Two highly paced brainstorming sessions allowed participants to generate ideas and define a mind map with concrete actions on science communication. We look forward to working with all WG members to take the next concrete steps to enhance communication of science to society.
We would like to thank the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) for hosting the workshop and providing excellent facilities for holding ‘hybrid’ (onsite and online) events. We are also indebted to the Estonian Research Council (ETAG) for hosting a fabulous evening reception at the Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU, with the presence of Ambassador H.E. Mr Artur Kink. The reception provided an excellent networking opportunity and an engaging scientific show.

Members of the WG on Communication

Engaging scientific show at the Estonian Embassy