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Man in protective gear for building sites kneeling before viewer under a large piece of equipment from CERN © 2019 CERN

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Postdoctoral Funding Schemes in Europe

The postdoctoral period is a critical phase in a researcher´s career: it is when (s)he chooses whether to pursue a scientific career, and succeeds in achieving that goal, or not. Science Europe has carried out a mapping of support opportunities for postdoctoral researchers, or ‘postdocs’, to improve understanding of what funders do to support researchers’ careers after the completion of their PhD, and to learn whether existing funding schemes can be improved in terms of career support.


Position Statement on the Framework Programme that Europe Needs

Horizon 2020 is a unique programme worldwide; it is widely appreciated and has an ambitious agenda. It can meet expectations as long as its nature as a programme capable of supporting excellent research is reinforced. Ahead of the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020, Science Europe shares the extensive experience of its Member Organisations, many of whom have decades of experience in setting up world-leading research programmes or are among the main beneficiaries of the Framework Programmes.


Open Access Publishing Policies in Science Europe Member Organisations: Key Results from Science Europe and Global Research Council Surveys

Open Access greatly improves the pace, efficiency, and efficacy of research. This report highlights the efforts made by public research organisations in Europe to develop and implement Open Access policies and addresses the challenges faced by different actors in order to facilitate and accelerate the transition towards full Open Access for all scholarly publications by 2020.


Joint Statement on Implementing the General Data Protection Regulation to Maintain a Competitive Environment for Research in Europe: Position of Research and Patient Organisations

This joint statement on the implementation of the Data Protection Regulation (DPR), facilitated by Science Europe and Wellcome and released by the wider research community, highlights the crucial role Member States must now play in its implementation by reviewing and amending their current laws to enable research to take place.


Allows for Mining but Doesn't Strike Gold: Science Europe Copyright Statement

The recent legislative proposal from the European Commission to reform EU copyright law addresses some needs, but not to the full extent required. Science Europe calls for research and data mining exceptions to ensure that copyright legislation is friendly to research and innovation.


Funding Research in Horizon 2020: Europe’s Most Valuable Strategic Resource

Science Europe expresses strong concern that the research funding budget be maximised in Horizon 2020 so that Europe can fully realise its target of becoming a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy. Funding for research and innovation in Europe is a critical strategic investment which is essential for Europe’s long-term growth and prosperity.


The Importance of Content Mining for Science

Text and data mining (TDM) is hugely important for science as it can facilitate better research and the free flow of knowledge across borders. This report urges policy-makers to update the legal framework in the context of the upcoming EU copyright reform in order to allow TDM for commercial and non-commercial means, and also to clarify the legal position surrounding it.


Research Integrity Practices in Science Europe Member Organisations

Research integrity is at the core of the research endeavour. It is the basis for researchers’ trust in each other and in the research record and, equally importantly, society’s trust in research. This report maps existing policies, procedures, and practices for promoting research integrity and builds upon this to make a number of key recommendations for improving research integrity including processes and policies, awareness raising, training, and collaboration.


Career Pathways in Multidisciplinary Research: How to Assess the Contributions of Individual Members of Large Teams

Scientific research increasingly relies on large collaborative, multi-disciplinary, and interdisciplinary research teams – often working across borders and across sectors – to address big societal questions. This report considers how research organisations can best support collaborative, multi-disciplinary, and interdisciplinary research teams. It also considers how can they allocate appropriate credit for research input and better evaluate multidisciplinary research.


In a Resource-constrained World: Think Exergy, not Energy

When we think about energy, we consider it in terms of quantity. However, in a resource-constrained world, energy and in particular its efficiency, must also be appreciated from the point of view of quality, which is its ability to do work. In order to include the quality and not just the quantity of energy, we need to measure ‘exergy’. This brochure introduces the concept of exergy and provides examples of its application.


Briefing Paper on Funding Research Data Management and Related Infrastructures

This joint briefing paper with Knowledge Exchange informs the discussion on the funding of Research Data Management (RDM) and related infrastructures in Europe, helps raise awareness of the current challenges, and communicates opportunities for co-ordinated action to relevant stakeholders. The paper highlights that the funding of Research Data Infrastructures, enabling RDM, comes from a great variety of sources and institutions that have different responsibilities and that operate at local, national, and international levels.


Joint European Statement in Support of European Directive 2010/63

Protecting the use of animals for scientific purposes is of utmost importance. Over 240 leading biomedical research organisations, learned societies, industry representatives, universities and patient groups in Europe release this joint statement in support of the Directive 2010/63/EU which outlines the protection of the use of animals for scientific purposes.


Briefing Paper on Open Access Business Models and Current Trends in the Open Access Publishing System

Decisive action is needed to transition towards more effectively and efficiently towards an Open Access publishing system. This paper presents some of the recent trends and developments in the transition to Open Access, as well as various business models currently in use which aim to facilitate this transition. It also highlights expected benefits and underlines remaining challenges.


The Relationship between Food, Health and the Environment – a European Perspective

The Science Europe Life, Environmental and Geo Sciences Scientific Committee organised a workshop on ‘The Relationship between Food, Health and the Environment’ in Milan on 12 and 13 May 2015. Representatives from the Science Europe Member Organisations and external experts attended, and the multi-faceted and complex relationship between food, health and the environment was explored.
The challenges for each of these fields individually are numerous and varied. A major aim of this workshop was to identify relevant links between them and to recommend common strategies for Europe to address the future challenges of food and food-related health research, from the perspective of the life sciences.


Intersectoral Mobility Schemes in Science Europe Member Organisations

Intersectoral mobility of researchers is gaining political momentum in Europe, with more interest in bringing in the competences that characterise researchers into public, private, and not-for-profit sectors. This survey report looks at the diversity of measures that are in place within Science Europe Member Organisations to enable researchers to be more mobile across different sectors of employment


Strategic Priorities, Funding and Pan-European Co-operation for Research Infrastructures in Europe

The demand for Research Infrastructures is high throughout all fields of science. However, the available funds for capital investment and running costs are generally limited and do not nearly meet the demand. Effective allocation of available funds and effective operation of facilities is therefore important in order to serve the scientific community in the best possible way.


Radical Innovation: Humanities Research Crossing Knowledge Boundaries and Fostering Deep Change

This Opinion Paper shows how arts and humanities research is at the heart of innovation processes. In this paper the Science Europe Scientific Committee for the Humanities advocates the need for a wider and deeper understanding of the concept of innovation, in order to better prepare Europe to tackle global challenges. The Committee points out ways to achieve stronger European leadership through the promotion of radical innovation by highlighting the contribution of arts and humanities research.


Improving Science Quality through the Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of Animals in Biomedical Research and Development

The 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement) of animals in research is a key topic for all researchers. This paper covers topics such as barriers and misconceptions that impede implementation of the 3Rs, tools to support the better design of experiments, and examples of how new technological and scientific approaches may contribute to the 3Rs.


Briefing Paper on Research Integrity: What it Means, Why it Is Important and How we Might Protect it

This briefing paper looks at developments in efforts to address issues of research integrity. It explores the available data on the frequency of misconduct, why it is thought that researchers would commit misconduct in the first place, how national and international organisations have approached the promotion of research integrity, and the manner in which allegations of misconduct are handled.


Lead Agency Procedure Strategies

This report analyses the underlying preconditions and efficiency of Lead Agency Procedure (LAP), based on the evidence available from the many LAP partnerships among Science Europe’s members. It also contains policy recommendations for research organisations so that they gain a more accurate understanding of the Lead Agency principles and are made more able to judge on its scope and limitations.


A Common Scale for Our Common Future: Exergy, a Thermodynamic Metric for Energy

A major challenge in striving for energy efficiency is the selection of technological systems, particularly given the need to consider multiple environmental, economic and social concerns. In addition, the general public, policy makers and experts alike misunderstand the physical nature of energy and hence its efficient use. After decades of fragmented agreements, regulations, treaties, strategies, indicators, targets, directives and communications, the European Union (EU) in its Energy Union strategy needs to take the lead in restoring the energy debate to firm foundations: those of thermodynamics, the science of energy.


Workshop on Ethical Protocols and Standards for Research in Social Sciences Today

Research in the social sciences regularly faces its own ethical issues, yet it lacks an equivalent codification of approaches that are tailored to its disciplines, as well as sufficient infrastructures at the institutional level to assess proposals. The importance and value of ethics in social sciences research are not yet universally embraced, creating divergence in approaches and resourcing between countries, institutions and disciplines. Furthermore, social sciences research is undergoing a period of rapid change. There is increasing participation in multidisciplinary projects, while changes in technology are creating new challenges for social sciences researchers, which need to be addressed. The social sciences urgently need ethical protocols that can function effectively across disciplines and can adapt to advances in research methodologies and strategies. 


Position Statement on the Role and Future of Joint Programming

This position statement highlights the added value of Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) as perceived by Science Europe Member Organisations, and makes two recommendations on the future of joint programming: one with regards to the evaluation of JPIs, and a second one concerning their governance. The aim is to stimulate other stakeholders – including the European Commission – to join in this discussion.

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