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Science Europe Launches New Strategy to Meet the Needs of an Evolving Research Ecosystem
How research policies must adapt: association launches new Strategy Plan 2021-2026 and Multi-annual Action Plan 2021-2026.
Today Science Europe launches its new Strategy Plan 2021-2026 that outlines how the Brussels-based association of research funders and performers will drive the development of European Research Area (ERA) policies and build the strongest possible research ecosystem for the benefit of science, researchers, and society. The publication lays out an updated vision, mission, values, and set of strategic priorities.
Science is generating knowledge faster than ever before. Enhanced cross-border collaboration and Open Science facilitates the rapid sharing of data and knowledge. Scientific activity and research methods continuously evolve. The capacity of the R&I system to address complex scientific questions grows ever larger. To adapt to this rapidly changing system, Science Europe’s new vision is to create an ERA with optimal conditions to support robust education, research, and innovation systems where science is a strong and trusted component of sustainable economic, environmental, and societal development.
“Over the next five years Science Europe’s mission is to define the long-term perspectives for European research and champion best practise in the sector” explains Marc Schiltz, President of Science Europe. “The demands placed on science are ever increasing and engagement with society is more important than ever before. This new strategy will help all actors to concentrate on producing the best quality research, ensuring it is successfully communicated and used for the benefit of society.”
“This strategy further strengthens Science Europe’s profile by building on its existing capacity to shape European research policy whilst also engaging in new areas such as research culture and the role and contribution of science in society” adds Lidia Borrell-Damián, Secretary General of Science Europe. “It has been designed to support Science Europe’s Member Organisations in their missions to create world-class scientific knowledge, delivering more benefit for our societies.”
Science Europe brings together and represents European national research performing organisations (RPOs) and research funding organisations (RFOs). By integrating multinational insights, views and experience it develops strategic thought leadership on European R&I policies and practices that transcend those of its individual members.
A supporting Multi-annual Action Plan describes the framework actions that guide the implementation of the new strategy. It describes mechanisms through which the objectives will be achieved and sets out the creation of Working Groups to engage the membership, foster collaboration, and build expertise on a variety of topics.