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Open Access Week 2022: Open Science as a Cross-Cutting Priority for Science Europe
On the occasion of the International Open Access Week 2022 (OA Week 2022) from 24 - 30 October Science Europe reaffirms Open Science as a cross-cutting priority and puts a spotlight on the many activities, initiatives and events carried out in the past months.
Open Science is a comprehensive effort to open the processes of scientific knowledge creation, evaluation, and communication. Science Europe and its members are committed to support Open Science as part of a well-functioning research system.
On 19 October 2022, Science Europe released its direction paper on Open Science. The paper establishes two key objectives for the transition to Open Science: open and seamless collaboration between all actors involved in the research process, as well as meaningful involvement of societal actors whenever relevant in the research process.
This direction paper was published during the Science Europe conference on Open Science. On 18 and 19 October, the event brought together institutional leaders, researchers at all stages of their careers, and experts from the field to discuss two main questions: is Open Science ready to become the norm in research? How do we ensure an equitable transition to Open Science? The conference was one of the first to establish and explore equity as a key consideration in its own right when discussing Open Science. Check out the event webpage for more information and for speakers’ presentations (upcoming soon).
The transition to Open Science is a joint effort and a shared responsibility between partners in policy and practice. Science Europe member organisations have together made substantial achievements in the field of Open Science since 2012. Read more about actions and practices from our Member Organisations.
The direction paper builds on these achievements and previous work on Open Access and research data. Continuing this work, Science Europe is a leading force in the effort to strengthen the Diamond Open Access ecosystem. Together with cOAlition S, OPERAS, and the French National Research Agency (ANR), Science Europe published in March 2022 an ‘Action Plan for Diamond Open Access’. It sets priority actions to further develop and expand a sustainable, community-driven Diamond scholarly communication ecosystem. On 19-20 September, the Diamond Open Access conference in Zadar, Croatia, was the first hybrid event for the community of organisations and individuals endorsing the Action Plan. The conference provided insights and inspiration to operationalise the Action Plan based on existing good practices. Further endorsements to the Action Plan for Diamond Open Access are welcome.
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