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European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity Renewed
Science Europe congratulates ALLEA on the update of its European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity.
We are very pleased that we could contribute to the update during the consultation process of these crucial guidelines for integrity in research, and look forward to further collaboration and discussion on this topic in the future.
The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity is an important reference document that serves as a guide for organisations and researchers in Europe and beyond. It presents a framework for self-regulation across all research settings and is used as a basis for local and national policies and practices relating to research integrity, from collaboration to publishing and communication.
In December 2022, Science Europe was invited to be part of a consultation process run by ALLEA (the
European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities) to provide input to a new revised edition of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. Science Europe's Task Force on Research Integrity took on this task.
On 23 June, the new revised edition of the Code was published by ALLEA and we at Science Europe were
pleased to see much of our input taken into consideration in this new edition. The new Code reflects specifically on the roles of research organisations in supporting high standards of ethics and integrity, and offers a greater focus on research culture.
The new edition also expands upon the concept of research outputs to explicitly reference science communication and public engagement activities. It also contains more inclusive language that recognises the diverse roles and positions that contribute to modern research. These updates were suggested by Science
Europe during the consultation process, and we are grateful to ALLEA for considering our input.
The Science Europe Office looks forward to continued discussions on this topic of central importance to the research cultures we work within. The Science Europe Task Force on Research Integrity will continue to discuss the specific role of Science Europe Member Organisations in supporting integrity and ethics and how this links to other priorities such as the ongoing research assessment reform initiative.