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CoARA Up and Running
The Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) is now up and running since its official launch on 1st December at the Constitutive Assembly meeting of the Coalition after a year for intense drafting and development where Science Europe played a central role in both the Drafting Team and Interim Secretariat.
The Science Europe Office has responded to the CoARA Call for Secretariat Support, and it is foreseen that Science Europe will have a continued role in advocacy on behalf of its members, and support international engagement activities for the Coalition in line with SE activities in international fora such as the Research Assessment Working Group of the Global Research Council (GRC).
The CoARA Steering Board are meeting frequently to ensure that the momentum built up around the initiative last year is maintained. They met in-person for the first time at the SE Office on 30 January 2023.
We are delighted that 32 of 40 Science Europe Member Organisation have already signed the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment and committed to the Coalition. The SE Office will monitor member engagement, particularly in relation to participation in CoARA Working Groups, once established. The SE Working Group on Research Culture is discussing activities and actions around research assessment that can build synergies with CoARA whilst avoiding duplication.

Members of CoARA Steering Board meeting at the Science Europe Office on 30 January