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Annual Meeting of the Global Research Council
The Annual Meeting of the Global Research Council took place from 30 May to 3 June in Panama City. It was co-hosted by the National Secretariat of Science, Technology, and Innovation of the Republic of Panama (SENACYT) and the National Science Foundation of the United States (NSF).
This Annual Meeting brought GRC participants around the world for the first time since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. A large number of plenaries, sessions, and side-events covered a wide range of issues related to the two main topics for the meeting:
- Research Ethics, Integrity, and Culture in the Context of Rapid Results.
- Science and Technology Workforce Development.
During the event, two statements of principles covering the research ethics and workforce development were approved and the hosts of the 2023 and 2024 Annual Meetings were selected:
- The Dutch Research Council (NWO) and Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) will co-host the Annual Meeting in 2023, which will focus on a) responsibilities and opportunities of research funders in addressing climate change, and b) innovations in recognising and rewarding scientists.
- The Swiss National Research Foundation (SNSF) and Fund for Science, Technology, and Innovation of Ivory Coast (FONSTI) will co-host the Annual Meeting in 2024.
From now on, the co-hosts will be selected two years in advance to allow for better planning and organisation of the events.
Science Europe co-chaired the European Regional Session at the Annual Meeting, during which Mari Sundli Tveit, Chief Executive of the Research Council of Norway, was elected to the GRC Governing Board. She replaces Philip Nolan, Director General of Science Foundation Ireland.
Finally, two side events were organised by the GRC Working Group on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion, which Science Europe co-chairs, and the GRC Working Group on Responsible Research Assessment, in which Science Europe is represented.