Working Group on Communication
The members of the Science Europe Working Group on Communication actively contribute to discussions and projects on communications-related topics. They regularly meet to share best practices, exchange views and reflect on science communication activities.
They support Science Europe members in their goal to reinforce the collective capacity to communicate research more effectively and enhance communication of science to society.
The WG on Communication has an advisory role to the Governing Board, acts as a discussion forum, and together with the Office develops relevant activities and events.
The following persons comprise the Working Group on Communication:
Name | Organisation | Country |
Kranewitter, Stefan | Austrian Science Fund (FWF) | Austria |
Barbé, Kim | Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) | Belgium |
Delvax, Liesbeth | Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) | Belgium |
Tuetey, Stéphanie | Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS) | Belgium |
Winnen, Eric | Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS) | Belgium |
Lečić, Dario | Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) | Croatia |
Janů, Vojtěch | Czech Science Foundation (GACR) | Czech Republic |
Chorošenin, Petr | Czech Science Foundation (GACR) | Czech Republic |
Allik, Annely | Estonian Research Council (ETAG) | Estonia |
Imperiali, Fabrice | French National Research Agency (ANR) | France |
Le Floch, Katel | French National Research Agency (ANR) | France |
Bastong, Benedikt | German Research Foundation (DFG) | Germany |
Bóné, Péter Pál | Hungarian Research Network (HUN-REN) | Hungary |
Ármannsson, Davíð Fjölnir | Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannís) | Iceland |
Markey, Gillian | Health Research Board (HRB) | Ireland |
O'Driscoll, Lorna | Research Ireland (RI) | Ireland |
Varaschin, Antonella | National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) | Italy |
Dūša, Laura | Latvian Science Council (LZP) | Latvia |
Goossens, Didier | Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) | Luxembourg |
Hoekstra, Ynte | Dutch Research Council (NWO) | The Netherlands |
Evensen, Thomas | Research Council of Norway (RCN) | Norway |
Totland Harket, Hilde | Research Council of Norway (RCN) | Norway |
Korzekwa-Józefowicz, Anna | National Science Centre (NCN) | Poland |
Ferreira, Joana | Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) | Portugal |
Serrazina, Filomena | Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) | Portugal |
Rotar, Adriana | Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) | Romania |
Ginic, Natalija | Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia (SFRS) | Serbia |
Ortega, Inés | National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) | Spain |
Plaza, Jose Antonio | National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) | Spain |
García, Marta | Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) | Spain |
Grau, Abel | Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) | Spain |
Ólafsson, Alda | Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) | Spain |
Prats, Jaime | Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) | Spain |
González, Sheila | Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) | Spain |
Ramírez, Lourdes | Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) | Spain |
Fleetwood, Anna Maria | Swedish Research Council (VR) | Sweden |
Blomberg, Elisabet | Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (FORMAS) | Sweden |
Thuvesson, Zandra | Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (FORMAS) | Sweden |
Nill, Christian | Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) | Switzerland |
Sarbach, Jun | Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) | Switzerland |
Bilyi, Oleksandr | National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU) | Ukraine |
Machulina, Tetiana | National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU) | Ukraine |
Houssein, Sherylee | UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) | United Kingdom |