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High Level Workshop on ERA 2024
Strengthening European cohesion and competitiveness through research and innovation: the science agenda for European progress in a global context
The High Level Workshop on ERA offers an annual platform for Science Europe Member Organisations, national ministries, and EU institutions to discuss progress, specific aspects, and future development of the ERA.
The High Level Workshop on ERA 2024 was co-organised by Science Europe and:
- the Hungarian Research Network (HUN-REN)
- the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA)
It was supported by the Hungarian Ministry of Culture and Innovation and will take place under the auspices of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU.
About the High Level Workshop
The 2024 edition of the High Level Workshop on the European Research Area discussed the timely questions of:
- competitiveness of the European research and innovation (R&I) system, with special attention to widening the participation of all EU member states and associated countries to European R&I actions
- enhancing the impact of R&I by mobilising EU-wide excellence in science
- reducing R&I disparities in Europe
- exploring the benefits of artificial intelligence in science policy and address European research competitiveness from a global perspective
In addition, it highlighted the importance of the freedom and excellence of research and the role of science as a vehicle to maintain an open dialogue and reduce R&I disparities while mobilising EU-wide excellence.
All these topics are intricately connected with Europe’s ability to increase science impact in global competition. The themes aligned with Science Europe’s strategic priority towards shaping European research policy developments, building on the discussion on European R&I integration, launched in 2022.
Outcomes and Impact
The High Level Workshop is an event well-positioned to facilitate interaction among the different stakeholders of science, with high-level officials of Science Europe Member Organisations, decision makers of EU Member States, leading representatives of the European Commission, and top experts in attendance.
Acknowledging the vast experience of Science Europe members in shaping national R&I strategies as well as Science Europe’s own contribution to ERA policies (particularly to the next Policy Agenda), the event invited participants to learn about each other’s goals and consider aligning priorities for a more competitive European R&I landscape.
As a result of the meeting, a short set of conclusions was published that summarises the key messages of the discussions and outlines priorities that will contribute to improving the EU’s competitiveness. A more detailed report of the event is being prepared.
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Concluding Statement on Commitment to Strengthening European R&I
This statement presents the key conclusions from the 2024 High Level Workshop on 'Strengthening European Cohesion and Competitiveness through Research and Innovation' and a set of priorities for achieving this.
Report of the 2024 High Level Workshop on the ERA
This report presents a summary of the dialogue sessions and main conclusions of the 2024 High Level Workshop that took place in Budapest on 19 and 20 November. The event was organised by Science Europe in partnership with the Hungarian Research Network (HUN-REN) and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), under the auspices of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.