23.09.2020 ScienceEurope Does your organisation want to help shape the future of #OpenScience? Join founding members of the EOSC Association @CESAER_SnT, @CSIC @CSICbruselas, @GEANTnews & GARR establish the new frontier of data-driven science. More info: https://t.co/cpOht8jJc0
23.09.2020 ScienceEurope .@marcschiltz1 highlights that a future #EuResearchArea should not forget to focus on sharing & openness - a "European Open Science ERA." This should include access to publications at sustainable costs, & ensure that data is interoperable & reusable. #RiDaysEU #ERA #OpenScience
23.09.2020 ScienceEurope Discussing the #EUResearchArea this morning with @marcschiltz1, @A_Panagopoulou, 🇩🇪, 🇵🇹 & 🇸🇮 at #RiDaysEU . What worked well over the last 20 years? Where are the gaps? What needs to be improved for the future of #ERA?
22.09.2020 ScienceEurope Reumaux "The proposed implementation of right-to-reply mechanisms in assessment processes is welcomed & can improve the quality of assessments conducted. This is linked to recommendations made in our recent publication: http://scieur.org/assessment #RiDaysEU
22.09.2020 ScienceEurope How can we design the best proposal evaluation for #HorizonEU? Kicking off now #RiDaysEU with our Senior Policy Officer Mathilde Reumaux contributing with the SE perspective.
10.09.2020 ScienceEurope Summary of the Guiding Model for RI managers: managers seeking to optimise the use of their facilities, & the data generated from them, should consider incorporating some or all of the following elements into their management strategies ⬆️
10.09.2020 ScienceEurope Summary of the Guiding Model for RI funders and decision makers: countries seeking to operate an active RI portfolio management programme should incorporate some or all of the following elements in their approach ⬆️
10.09.2020 ScienceEurope Together with @OECD Global Science Forum we have developed 2 Guiding Models for the optimisation of the operation & use of national Research Infrastructures. One is aimed at RI funders & decision makers, the other at RI managers.
02.09.2020 ScienceEurope The world of research in 10 years? @LidiaBorrellDam at @ESOF_eu #ESOF2020: we should avoid a scenario where technology drives science. Science cannot be funded with the sole purpose of developing technologies. It must serve humanity & the planet as a whole. Curiosity is key!
01.09.2020 ScienceEurope What will the world of research look like in 10 years? First of many great @ESOF_eu sessions ft. @LidiaBorrellDam alongside @BurgelmanJean Eefke Smit (@STM_Publishing) Adrian Mulligan (@ElsevierConnect) & Ed Gerstner (@SpringerNature): ⏰10.15am 📅2/9 🔗https://t.co/oyvs3s3ky3
28.07.2020 ScienceEurope We can only achieve European excellence, innovation, productivity & competitiveness with an ambitious Horizon Europe budget! Read our call to @Europarl_EN: https://t.co/yBKNyix0Db
27.07.2020 ScienceEurope Congratulations to Prof. Katja Becker, President of @dfg_public on being elected as Vice-Chair of the Governing Board of @grc_research. She serves alongside other Science Europe members: @marcschiltz1 (@FnrLux) @ProfAThompson (@UKRI_News) & Mark Ferguson (@scienceirel).
24.07.2020 ScienceEurope Congratulations to Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, appointed as interim President of the @ERC_Research. We look forward to continuing our close collaboration to promote and support excellent European research: https://t.co/GoKg5OwY7M
22.07.2020 ScienceEurope Research allocated an insufficient budget to meet unprecedented challenges. @Europarl_EN: the R&I community’s last hope for an ambitious research and innovation budget. Our reaction: https://t.co/yBKNyix0Db
22.07.2020 ScienceEurope Reaction by @maxplanckpress President Martin Stratmann on the #EUCO proposal for the #MFF #EUbudget: "A good day for European solidarity, a bad day for European research funding"
22.07.2020 VHalloin Cuts in research budgets are unacceptable and we must continue to fight to show and demonstrate the indispensability of scientific research in these times of multifaceted threats ! @ERC_Research @FriendsoftheERC
22.07.2020 marcschiltz1 A very disappointing outcome, indeed. At a time when the need for a solid Sciene base has been so clearly demonstrated (#COVID19). Where are the ambitious leaders that #Europe needs ? What has happened to our founding fathers’ vision for the #EuropeanUnion ?
21.07.2020 LeibnizWGL One cannot stress this often enough. #mff #horizoneurope #research #EuropeanParliament @Europarl_EN @Europarl_DE
21.07.2020 CSICbruselas These were not the results we were expecting from #EUCO and President of the @EUCouncil Charles Michel (@eucopresident).…
21.07.2020 LidiaBorrellDam How do we achieve European excellence, innovation, productivity & competitiveness? An ambitious #HorizonEU budget is what the R&I community have been calling for & now we only have €75.9bn from the basic budget & €5bn from #NextGenEU
20.07.2020 ScienceEurope New #ResearchAssessment approaches are important to drive change in the current system. We calls on research organisations to test new approaches & share experiences ➡️ https://t.co/brU0yZo5Nf
20.07.2020 ScienceEurope Assessing Assessment: we are calling for reforms to #ResearchAsssesment processes with coordinated & concerted action by research organisations: https://t.co/6mRSqnnADU
17.07.2020 ScienceEurope #ResearchAssessment processes should focus on the content of research proposals and CVs! Research organisations should encourage the ‘Qualitative Assessment’ of research ➡️ https://t.co/brU0yZo5Nf
16.07.2020 ScienceEurope For the best possible #ResearchAssessment practices a diverse pool of expert reviewers is paramount. More recommendations ➡️ https://t.co/brU0yZo5Nf
15.07.2020 ScienceEurope It's key for for research organisations to optimise #ResearchAssessment processes. Why? Less burden on reviewers, applicants & administrators! Read how we suggest you do that ➡️ https://t.co/brU0yZo5Nf