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A Vision & Framework for Research Cultures
Science Europe presents ‘A Vision and Framework for Research Cultures’. It synthesises our recent work across numerous policy topics focussing them on the shared objective of R&I systems to advance knowledge and enable the quality and impact of research. A set of 8 goals are presented as part of a comprehensive vision to guide further action over the coming decades: goals aimed at; attractive careers in research, diverse representation, open and inclusive science, rigor, and more. As our research system evolves ever quicker, it is vital to remain grounded in shared values and develop long-term perspectives.
Alongside our Vision, a supporting framework sets out conditions and to enable effective action, and Science Europe makes a number of commitments to act and support actions.
This Vision & Framework will be an important reference for Science Europe’s activities on research cultures for the coming years and aims to contribute to longer-term strategic discussions on the direction of research systems in Europe and beyond.
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