Statements and Actions by Other Higher Education and Research Stakeholder Organisations
In addition to Science Europe and its Member Organisations, many other organisations in the higher education and research sector have made statements of support or are taking actions to support Ukraine and its scholars during the ongoing Russian invasion.
This overview is non-exhaustive and is being updated as the situation progresses.
Scholarly Initiatives to Support Ukraine
- #ScienceForUkraine
#ScienceForUkraine is a group of volunteer students and research scientists from around the world who collect and disseminate information about support opportunities at the university and (inter)national level for graduate students and researchers directly affiliated to an academic institution in Ukraine. - Scholars at Risk
Scholars at Risk is an initiative to protect scholars who suffer from grave threats to their lives, liberty, and well-being, in part by arranging positions of sanctuary at institutions in their network for those forced to flee. It currently also works to support Ukrainian scholars. - SUCHO
Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCH) consists of a group of cultural heritage professionals – librarians, archivists, researchers, programmers – who work together to identify and archive at-risk sites, digital content, and data in Ukrainian cultural heritage institutions while the country is under attack.
ERA4Ukraine – Euraxess
The European Commission has set up ERA4Ukraine, an overview of all existing actions at European and national levels to support the researchers of Ukraine. The overview is available via a dedicated webpage at https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/ukraine.
Open Letter of Russian Scientists and Science Journalists
In February 2022, an Open Letter was published by a number of Russian scientists and science journalists, stating their strong condemnation of the war, calling it "contrived" and "unjust". The letter highlights the predicted isolation of Russia on the international scene and its consequences for scientific collaboration and demands an end to hostilities.
To date, the letter has been signed by almost 8,000 individuals.
Statements and Actions by European Research Stakeholders

Aurora Universities Network
The Palacký University Olomouc is leading Aurora’s efforts to help its Ukrainian partner university Karazin Kharkiv University by trying to get students and academics to safety, and helping with supplies and equipment.

CESAER has suspended the membership of Tomsk Polytechnic University following its statement of support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Coimbra Group
The Coimbra Group has created an overview of actions and statements that its universities have taken to support Ukrainian researchers, academics, university staff, and students.
The Coimbra Group has suspended the membership of St. Petersburg State University following its statement of support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

COST Association

EMBO has created an overview of scientists offering to host Ukrainian researchers in their laboratories.

ERIC Forum

European Research Council
The European Research Council has appealed to its 5,000+ grantees to provide temporary employment to refugee researchers and support staff from Ukraine. It has created an overview of these job opportunities in ERC-funded research teams.
The European Research Council's Scientific Council has proposed to include a special provision in the ERC Work Programme 2023 on researchers who seek asylum more broadly.

European University Association
EUA has created an overview of European support to the Ukrainian higher education community.

OPERAS participates in the TRIPLE project, which intends to add Ukrainian scholarly content to the GoTriple platform to collect scientific SSH resources.
OPERAS is further engaging with Ukrainian institutions, publishers, and journals to support them, as well as using its Research for Society Service to help Ukrainian researchers engage in resilience-building activities employing Publich Humanities approaches.

The Guild
The Guild has created an overview of actions that its universities have taken to support Ukrainian researchers, academics, university staff, and students.
It has issued a statement with recommendations for actions to help support Ukrainian researchers.
It also supports the open letter by Russian scientists calling for an end to the war.