In January 2019, Science Europe published its ‘Practical Guide to the International Alignment of Research Data Management’. This Guide was quickly taken up and implemented by a number of organisations and referenced as good practice by the European Commission. It also serves as training material in several universities.
As a next step, and following feedback on the Guide, a rubric was developed to aid the evaluation of data management protocols. This is helpful for research officers, reviewers, and institutional data managers, but can also be of use to researchers to validate the information they provide in their draft DMPs. It is available in the second, extended edition of the Guide, which was launched on 27 January 2021.
About the Launch Event
During the webinar 'Aligning Research Data Management Across Europe – The Next Step', Science Europe launched the extended edition of its Practical Guide to the International Alignment of Research Data Management.
In the presence of almost 300 research stakeholders from across the globe, speakers including Science Europe President Marc Schiltz and President & CEO of the French National Research Agency Thierry Damerval presented the updated Guide and discussed Science Europe's work on research data.
The European Commission's Head of Unit Open Science Kostas Glinos and President of the European Open Science Cloud Karel Luyben explained how the alignment of research data management fits in with the paradigm shift to Open Science in general, and how it supports the European Open Science Cloud's efforts in particular.
Science Europe thanks all speakers, panellists, and participants who made the event into a great success.
Watch the Event
Missed the webinar, but still interested in what was presented? Or were you there, but want to check back on something interesting that you heard? Fortunately, we have a recording of the webinar available.

Q&A: Aligning Research Data Management Across Europe
(6 June 2021)