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Global Summit on Diamond Open Access
The Global Summit on Diamond Open Access (Cumbre Global sobre Acceso Abierto Diamante) was a series of hybrid and multilingual events, including the second Diamond Open Access conference. The events were organised by a group of organisations committed to progressing Open Science and Diamond Open Access: Redalyc, UAEMéx, AmeliCA, UNESCO, CLACSO, UÓR, ANR, cOAlition S, OPERAS, and Science Europe.

About the Global Summit
The Global Summit on Diamond Open Access / Cumbre Global sobre Acceso Abierto Diamante was a unique event that brought together the community of researchers, editors, universities, research funding and performing organisations, academic libraries, learned societies, and policy makers who are engaged worldwide in strengthening the Diamond Open Access ecosystem.
The Diamond Open Access community gathered during this event and focused its discussions on the equity, quality, usability, and sustainability of this scholarly publishing model. The objective of the Global Summit / Cumbre Global was to encourage a deeper understanding and mutual learning between world regions. It focused on good practices and policies from across the globe. The event was also instrumental in developing global principles that unite the initiatives developed in diverse, local contexts.

The Global Summit resulted in the release of a joint set of conclusions on the way forward for Diamond Open Access. The document ‘Conclusions and Way Forward’ is available on the summit website.

Second Conference on Diamond Open Access
The second Diamond Open Access Conference took place during the Global Summit, on 25 and 26 October. It followed the first edition, organised in September 2022 in Zadar, Croatia.
These conferences bring together the community of organisations and individuals that have endorsed the March 2022 Action Plan for Diamond Open Access (now also available in several other languages).
Schedule of the Global Summit
23 October
Opening Ceremony
Global Summit
23–24 October
4th International Congress of Redalyc Editors
20th Anniversary of Redalyc
24–25 October
Second Meeting of AmeliCA Members
25–26 October
2nd Diamond Open Access Conference
27 October
Closing Ceremony
Global Summit